About Us


My name is Sarah. I am a passionate linguist and have learnt to speak Burmese, Chinese [Mandarin & Yunnan] dialects, English, and Shan languages.

During the period from 2009 to 2016, I embarked on my corporate life in Bangkok, Thailand. While at the St. Andrews international school, I taught Mandarin to students from KG to Year 6.

I relocated to Yangon in 2017 and founded Myanmar Language Center. Over the past Six years, to help students focus more on speaking and improve their reading skills, I have carefully designed each individual words to feature the consonants, vowels and tones in a colour including a detailed pronunciation guide.

My philosophy of education is all students should have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Within the educational setting, students in this nation should be encouraged to prioritise promoting both English & Chinese as lingua franca.

Seeing as how these two languages has established itself to be the definitive Linga franca when performing commerce & trade.

Having both languages be used throughout the nation may provide for all ethnicities and tribes present the same opportunity to deal business with the international community.

Today, the rapid development of technology is at an all-time high. Now A.I. is trending at an exhilarating pace and yet still, our Nation is griped with the issue of barely being. Sadly, due to the datedness of the current education system, many are ill-equipped in operating basic computer programmes.

Aside from learning different languages, I eagerly guide people around me to aware the disparate mentality of this nation’s population; where one has to look beyond a person’s nationality, and discern their ethnicity, in addition to what faith they profess which, when combined results in no 2 citizens being the exact same.

Who we are!

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